Short Hairstyles Win the Heart of Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie opened her eyes and blinked into the soft sunlight. It was a lonely morning on the French Riviera. Long legs were slipping from her luxurious bed sheets. Angelina stood up and stretched her back like a cat. She shook her long wavy hair and went into the terrace to look at the azure sea. Angelina breathed deeply into the fresh breeze and smiled with a sad expression. Miss Jolie felt alone, because her family was away. The husband and the children were traveling for a week already. They promised to be back by the afternoon of that sunny Sunday. Time became slower than usual. The white birds were flying in circles and the blue sea water was unusually calm.
A lost memory came to her happy mind. Angelina remembered a promise that was almost forgotten. Two month before, she had promised to herself to change her dusty appearance. Now was the time to act fast. She had wished to have one of the hairstyles for short hair of beautiful women, after a friendly stylist had shown her the colorful pictures of short hairstyles for women's hair. She wanted to be younger, but did not know how. She felt inspired by the hip, modern looks. She wanted to be stronger and decided to dye her black, wavy hair into a magic color of blond women, who know how to attract attention of official intellectuals.
For the fifth month now, Angelina was unemployed. Life became boring and slow. Change was desired. Change was needed. Change was wanted, but it did not come. Angelina wondered when and what her next job would be. She decided to distract herself. Angelina decided to prepare for the return of her husband and children, because she missed her beautiful husband very much.
Loud voices interrupted silent thoughts. 
It were the voices of screaming merchants from the big market nearby. The big market was often colorful and loud on weekends. It had fresh fruits and natural vegetables from all parts of the galaxy. Brave Angelina decided to stroll into the loud market, because she wanted purchase fresh food for her family. She dressed in a simple, red linen dress with white sandals from Spain. She tied her soft Italian scarf under her smooth chin and protected her beautiful eyes with her new sunglasses from Polaroid. Angelina was ready to leave. She remembered how her husband said that her mother had one of the most beautiful, short hair styles. He also said that beautiful, blond women have a more peaceful life. This little memory made Angelina to become very jealous. She felt angry and envy, because her husband spoke about other women. She walked out of the door without closing it. She ran into the nearest beauty salon and ordered the hairdresser to cut her hair short. Angelina ordered the stylist to make it blond and soft. The work was done fast. The now blond Angelina, ran out of the beauty salon and went to the market. She hoped to distract herself from jealousy that she felt.
At the loud market, Angelina Jolie was positively surprised that nobody recognized her with the new haircut, because it was unusually short and blond. She leisurely surveyed the variety of red scarves, colorful toys, elegant dresses and golden jewelry that were laid out on the white tables of Arab merchants. The wallet was full and Angelina was ready to spend the money for fun. She bought a sparkling bracelet for her feet. The golden color of the new bracelet reflected the sun into the eyes of young men who were looking at Angelina’s feet more often than usual. She felt more confident and happy about her beauty, because of this attention from the young men.
The feeling of hunger started to grow stronger. 
Angelina went to the the stands with colorful food. She bought beautiful purple grapes, red strawberries, golden peaches and a large bouquet of sweet flowers. She paid the merchants and turned around to go home. A positive surprise came from behind. A loud, male voice spoke to her. Angelina recognized the voice. It was her friend Roberto. He was a young actor and a movie director of documentaries. She smiled and waved at him. Roberto was looking at her with curiosity. He was surprised by the new, short haircut. Angelina removed her golden sunglasses and came closer. Roberto's face became red, because he felt attracted to Angelina, but did not want her to know it.
With a shy voice he said slowly: “Hello Angelina, it was difficult to recognize you with the new, short hairstyle for blond women”. He hugged Angelina Jolie with an embarrassed face and said that his sister also had one of the best, short hairstyles for women with curls. Angelina listened to Roberto and smiled with joy. He told her about a new project that he was trying to start. The conversation became longer and longer. They decided to go to the nearest bar and drink colorful drinks with herbs. Roberto congratulated Angelina, because he felt that her short haircut made her to feel younger and more natural. He smiled and took her hand as they went to visit the French street of restaurants.
The place to drink was found quickly. 
The green bar was quiet and comfortable for talking. The lovely couple sat down and spoke to the waiter. Angelina ordered white coffee. Roberto ordered red tea from Africa. Angelina Jolie looked into her elegant cup. She was drinking her warm coffee with a smile on her face. She played with the ends of her layered hair. Suddenly, Roberto stopped speaking and froze in thoughts. He smiled softly and said that the new hairstyle of Angelina Jolie inspired his complicated brain. He explained that he was working on a new project and that he needed a strong actress for the main role. He said that the fresh, blond haircut of Angelina would be perfect for that project. He said that her elegant new look was perfect, because her beautiful, short hairstyle for blond women is perfect for the clean wedding scenes, which were an important part of the film.
This new project was exactly what Angelina Jolie had been looking for. She hoped to use this project as the next step in her professional career. She wanted to develop a new personality and new interests, because she was tired of playing the same roles for years. Angelina agreed to meet with Roberto on the next day, because she wanted to discuss her payment and contract details. She felt confident and secure. Her tired legs walked leisurely back to her beautiful house, where she wanted to prepare for the return of her husband and children. She put the red fruits into transparent bowls and polished the apples, because she wanted to do more than was necessary. She arranged a bouquet of Chinese roses and remembered her visit to China. She remembered the Asian children with round faces. She realized that the layered short hairstyles for girls from Asia would be perfect for her own daughters. Smiling to herself, she thought that a simple new hairstyle can be a perfect way to energize and inspire a woman. This inspiration gave her even more ideas. She imagined one of the cute, short hairstyles for women with round faces on the cute head of her brunette cousin with curly hair.
The soft doorbell rang. 
Happy voices disturbed the silence. 
The husband and children came back from the trip. Angelina Jolie hugged them with her long arms and kissed the tired husband on the forehead. The children looked in surprise at her new, sassy head. Angelina smiled and explained that she needed change to distract herself from loneliness. She said that the cute pictures of short hairstyles helped her to be bold and edgy. The husband pretended to be cold. He smiled and hugged her tightly. He felt uncomfortable and curious at the same time. He felt distant from Angelina, because she looked different.
He tried to hide his emotions and said that Angelina looked beautiful and fresh. He whispered something into her ear and kissed her on the soft lips. The small children began to eat the red fruits. The oldest daughters came to her with a magazine. They pulled their mother to the Japanese table and sat down on the floor with her. They said that they too had been looking at the cute pictures of short hairstyles. They said that the new style of their mother helped them to be more confident to try the new and short hairstyles for round faces. Angelina smiled with pride. She felt good and happy, because her children were developing their own personality. She held them close and promised that on Friday they would go to one expensive beauty salon and order the beautiful, short hairstyles for them. The husband suggested that they all go to the beach to play in the white sand, because he was tired from traveling in the green Alps.
The children smiled and began to gather their toys for the beach. 
The silent husband started the car
 and drove them to the empty beach. The children walked down the narrow path to the beach. Angelina took her hand of her husband as they walked close together. She began to tell him about the new project with Roberto. She told him that Roberto was attracted to her and that she pretended not to know this. The breeze blew into her short hair. The head was fresh and light. The sunny sky and the blue sea were inviting to rest on the beach until sunset. The warm hand of her husband and the laughter of her children made Angelina to feel happy. She felt to be the luckiest woman in her known universe of friends and relatives.
