Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan detention at White Plains airport near New York

 Shahrukh Khan
India has reacted angrily to the detention of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan by US authorities for 90 minutes at White Plains airport near New York.
This "policy of detention and apology by the US cannot continue", External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said.
The actor arrived on a private plane and was on the way to Yale University for a function when he was stopped.
US customs and border protection authorities later expressed "profound" apologies for the incident.
The spokesman for the US embassy in Delhi, Peter Vrooman, also apologised "if Mr Shah Rukh Khan experienced an inconvenience or delay".
It is not clear why Khan was detained at the airport, which serves New York City.
In 2009 the actor was detained for two hours at Newark airport and was released after India's embassy in the US intervened.
The actor said then that he was stopped because he had a Muslim name. US customs officials denied that Khan had been detained, saying he was questioned.
Reaction by India -'Uncalled for'
Shahrukh Khan
"Apologies from America have become mechanical," Mr Krishna said on Friday.
He also asked India's ambassador in the US, Nirupama Rao, to lodge a protest with Washington.

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All that the US immigration authorities need to know about Shah Rukh Khan, they can find it at the touch of a button”
Javed AkhtarMusician
Member of Parliament Rajeev Shukla said the detention was "totally uncalled for".
The Bollywood film industry has also come out in support of the actor.
"All that the US immigration authorities need to know about Shah Rukh Khan, they can find it at the touch of a button," musician Javed Akhtar said.
Earlier, the Press Trust of India news agency reported that Khan was stopped and questioned for more than two hours before being cleared by immigration officials on Thursday.
He was freed after Yale University officials contacted homeland security and customs officials, the BBC's Salim Rizvi in New York said.
"Khan was very, very upset over the episode," the CNN-IBN channel said, quoting unnamed sources.
Later, he told the students of Yale University that he had been stopped and questioned at the airport.
But, he made light of the incident and joked about it.
"Whenever I start feeling arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to America. The immigration guys kick the star out of stardom," he said to laughter from the audience.
"They [immigration officials] always ask me how tall I am and I always lie and say 5ft 10 inches. Next time I am going to get more adventurous. [If they ask me] what colour are you, I am going to say white," he said.
Khan has appeared in more than 70 films and is considered one of India's most recognisable and popular celebrities.
