A gold-plated chopper that costs half a million bucks

379 xP6ni 17340

      The chopper that you might be interested in looking at but not buying is the one that is made of gold and costs a bomb, something like a half million bucks. The thing sure is a beauty and caught all the attention at the International Motorcycle show in Seattle. However, if you notice closely, beyond the opulence and beauty, the bike might not be very efficient. What seems to bother many bike freaks about this half-million-buck bike is that there seems to be a lot of stress expelled from the engine. The entire front part is supported by a mount, which in turn leans on the engine. It is also possible that the front end swivels horizontally. However, the bike is supposed to be a work of art, so it isn't appropriate to discuss its technicalities any further. Moreover, riding it on the highway isn’t a fabulous idea as you could have the good old highwayman firing at you right where it hurts and abandoning you while he rides away on the gold bike. It is priced at a whopping $500,000.

380 F1FPs 17340
