10 Worst Aircraft disasters in history

Here is the list of 10 Worst Aircraft Crashes/disasters in history.
Disaster is one of the worst face of death. It’s like one moment you’re living your life with joy and happiness and the next moment you’re crying for help, screaming and shouting. Nobody knows when a disaster would come but when it does, it comes with death and injuries and what not.

No.1 #  World Trade Centre Attack  – September 11,  2001
Air Plane Crashes
The deadliest of all crashes ever, this deliberate crashing of two planes into the World Trade Centre killed 2988 people, the majority of them being occupants of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. This was an act of terrorism, and has no parallels in the annals of airplane crashes.Number of people killed: 2988
No.2 #  Tenerife Air plane Crash , Canary Islands-March 27,1997.

Air Plane Crashes
On March 27th 1997, two planes crashed with eachother after the pilot of one plane started his takeoff roll without clearance. A total of 583 people died due to this crash.
No.3 # Air Plane Crash In Mt. Osutaka, Japan-on Augusr 12,1985
Air Plane Crashes
On august 12th 1985, a Boeing 747 crashed in japan killing 520 people out of 524 aboard. The cause of the crash was improper repairs by Boeing due to which the control of the aircraft was lost.
No.4 # Air Plane Crash In Charkhidadri, India
Air Plane Crashes
An aircraft of Saudi Arabian airlines collided with Kazastan airlines due to misunderstanding of directions. 349 people died in this disaster.
No.5 # Air Plane CrashIn Ermenonville, France-March 3,1974
Air Plane Crashes
On March 3rd 1974, an aircraft of Turkish airlines crashed into a forest due to a defective latching mechanism on the cargo door which resulted in loss of all hydraulic control. 346 dead people were recorded.
No.6 # Air Plane Crash In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-August 19,1980
Air Plane Crashes
On August 19th 1980, 301 people aboard died on Saudi Arabian Lockheed due to the fire which started in the aircraft cargo compartment. The plane landed safely but before the rescue teams could reach, everybody died.
No.7 # Air Plane Crash In Chicago O’Hare, Illinois-on 25 March,1979
Air Plane Crashes
On March 25th 1979, a total of 271 people died when an aircraft due to its engine failure crashed in Chicago. The blame was on improper maintenance.
No.8 # Air Plane Crash In Komaki, Aichi, Japan 0n 26 th April 1944.
On April 26th 1944, a china Airlines Airbus crashed when an officer accidently triggered the TOGA leaver during a landing attempt at Nagoya Airport. 264 died in this disaster.

No.9 # Air Plane Crash In Belle Harbor, Queens, New York-0n November 12,2001.
On November 12th 2001, an airplane crashed after just 3 minutes of its takeoff. The pilot lost control due to some broken parts of the plane and its nose dived and crashed. A total of 260 people died.
No.10 # Air Plane Crash In Lockerbie, Scotland-on December 21,1948.
Air Plane Crashes
On December 21st 1948, plane crashed in Lockerbie after a bomb explosion in the cockpit which was planted by Libyan terrorists. 259 dead were recorded.
