Top 10 Worst Plane Crashes

Plane crashes, no matter where they take place, are always spectacular, since they normally involve an international group of passengers, and the casualty figures are high. Here are 10 of the most well known airplane crashes in the world.
1. World Trade Centre – September 11,  2001
World Trade CentreNumber of people killed: 2988
The deadliest of all crashes ever, this deliberate crashing of two planes into the World Trade Centre killed 2988 people, the majority of them being occupants of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. This was an act of terrorism, and has no parallels in the annals of airplane crashes.
2. Tenerife Crash – March 27,  1977 
Tenerife crashNumber of people killed: 583
One of the worst airline disasters,  occurred when the KLM Captain Boeing 747 attempted a takeoff in the fog, without clearance and that plane crashed into the Pan Am 747 plane, that was still taxing on the runway. Multiple factors such as communication problems, pilot errors and bad weather were responsible for this horrendous disaster.
3. Japan Airlines Flight 123 – August 12,  1985 
Japan Airlines Flight 123Number of people killed: 520
The highest number of causalities in a single airline crash occurred when this plane crashed 100 km. from Tokyo. A failed bulkhead repair conducted six years prior resulted in an explosive decompression when the plane was in the air, which made the aircraft uncontrollable, resulting in tragedy. The plane had logged over 12,000 cycles (one takoff and one landing), before that faulty repair finally ruptured.
4. Charkhi Dadri Mid Air Collision – November 12, 1996 
Charkhi Dadri Mid Air CollisionNumber of people killed: 349
A mid-air collision between a Kazakhstan flight and a Saudi flight, over Haryana in India, resulted in the world’s deadliest mid-air crash. It was responsible for the deaths of passengers and crew on both planes. The resultant safety measures made air corridors in the skies mandatory.

5. Turkish Airlines Flight 981 – March 3,  1974 
Turkish Airlines Flight 981Number of people killed: 346
Another crash which was the result of decompression in the cabin due to the cargo door getting detached, this was the deadliest plane crash until the Tenerife disaster three years later. The plane crashed near Paris in France, soon after taking off from Orly Airport.
6. Air India Flight 182  –  June 23,  1985 
Air India Flight 182Number of people killed: 329
The deadliest of all crashes due to a bomb on a plane, this crash took place near the coast of Ireland. This terrorist activity was sponsored by Sikh extremists.
7. Korean Airlines Flight 007 – September 1,  1983 
Korean Airlines FlightNumber of people killed: 269
The Korean Airlines plane was shot down by a Soviet Sukhoi military plane, when it entered prohibited Soviet Airspace. This led to increased tension during the Cold War and to many theories about the actual reason behind this clash.
8. Iran Air Flight 655  –  July 3,  1988 
Iran Air Flight 655Number of people killed: 290
Another crash which was the result of the shooting down of a civilian aircraft by a military aircraft, this Airbus was shot down by US Navy’s guided missiles. The American Navy mistook it for a military fighter aircraft, and years later gave monetary compensation for the Iranians killed.
9. Pan Am Flight 103  –   December 21,  1988 
Pan Am Flight 103Number of people killed: 270
This crash was also due to terrorist activity. A bomb was placed in it, allegedly by a Libyan national, and it crashed over Lockerbie in Scotland, killing everyone aboard and also 11 people on the ground, due to the debris scattered all around.
10. Air France 447  –  June 1,  2009 
Air France 447Number of people killed: 228
While flying through a severe storm, this plane crashed in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Brazil. Much of the debris has still not been found, and most of the bodies have not yet been recovered.
